Monday, March 26, 2012

Accoutrements 11951 Handerpants A simple-yet-effective prank

Accoutrements Handerpants
  • Stylish for any occasion
  • Wonderful gift
  • Hundreds of uses
  • Fits most adult hands
  • A simpleyeteffective prank I bought this for my older brother's birthday. We convinced him to wear the handerpants for a few minutes while eating but he eventually took them off claiming they made him feel dirty. I suppose I can understand being uncomfortable with putting something in your mouth after it's been in close contact with something resembling tidywhities.My older brother regifted the handerpants to my younger brother who plans to wear them at various special occasionssuch as school finals the youth group Christmas party hanging out with friends etc.Handerpants provide the opportunity for unsettling people including the wearer at various social events.
    Great gag gift What a hoot ! The person I bought them for really enjoyed them. We had a real good laugh.
    TINYWILL NOT FIT AN AVERAGE ADULT HAND Got these as a gag gift for the family gift exchange. The lady that got them who has small hands anyhow could not get these on her hands. Other people tried to try them on and they would not go past their fingers. They would not fit anyone with hands larger than my 7 year old son. Thus guess who they went home with? Yep my 7 year old son. Who absolutely loves them and thinks they are the funniest thing EVER. They still received the desired laugh I had intended and I would purchase again for that same effect. But if you are purchasing these and actually expect the recipient to put the them on.then you'll be expecting too much and will be disappointed. That's why I only give these a middle of the road rating with 3 stars.
    Awesome these are totally awesome they fit me with a little room so hopefully my boyfriends fits in to them comfortably.
    Delicious First off I have to say that I did not purchase these however after I chopped off the buyers hands and cooked them up to eat them I was delightfully satisfied as I have never been before. My tummy used to have the rumblies that only hands would satisfy but now it has the rumblies that only handerpants would satisfy!Delicious.
    Now I Can Match Not only can you see my thong hanging out the top of my pants but now you can see my handerpants hanging out of my pockets! WOW! I certainly thought to myself Now if only there was a way I could wear more visible underware so that people will know just how sexy I am and BAM!!! Here comes the handerpants.
    Unlesh the inner Are you a US citizen? If yes are you a proud tea party supporter? If so stand up proudly and unleash the inner douche in you. With this. The deal gift for someone with your fine intelligence & taste.
    DONT EAT CHOCOLATE WITH THESE Don't eat brown or yellow food with these it makes it look like you crapped your hands. Other than that they are great.
    Perfect If Your Coworkers Grafted a Dick On Your Hand! As a genetic bioengineer I am working on architecting the growth of organs and appendages via biological induction grafting. For you dummies that means I do things like grow human ears on mice. It's super cool.One day I fell asleep at work in the lab and a couple of the office knuckleheads decided to prank yours truly. Here's what went down. See we had this dick in the freezer some Japanese guy kicked off and donated it to us. It's in his will and everything. Pretty wild right?So other than occasionally pulling it out of the fridge and sticking it in Benny's ear for a goof it doesn't get much action.Currently we're working on growing a thumb it's pretty great because all the mice look like they're doing the Fonz's Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy as they have a big thumb sticking up on their backs.Because we're so tied up with the thumb we have no time to mess around with the freezer dick. Eventually we'll learn how to grow dicks although more people need new thumbs than dicks you know?But back to my story.I passed out around noon after a particularly heavy Arby's beef and cheddar lunch. It was one of those fiveforfive deals and I put down the sandwiches in about seven minutes.When I woke up Carl was pointing at my hand and laughing. Those bozos has grafted the Japanese dick to my right palm!Well two weeks later and the dick's still attached. Apparently my body has accepted the dick and if I have it removed it'll die or something.I know totally bummed.I reported Carl to HR although I did have to admit it was a pretty solid gag. But walking around with a dick on my hand is a little inconvenient. Plus it's embarrassing.Most people don't like seeing dicks in public there's actually a lot of trouble you can get in showing you dick around town. It's a big deal to the law.I found the Handerpants on Amazon. It sucks to type with a dick on your hand as I'm always hitting the / key accidentally.I can now go out into public with ALL of me. My real dick and my palmdick are both out of sight. And the gloves are fingerless so I have a little hipster fashion thing going on.Thank you Handerpants!Attention public if you see me walking around do NOT give me a high five.
    Best stocking stuffer ever! Put these in my son's Christmas stocking. Funniest item in the stocking and worth every penny to hear jokes all morning. Split up the pair and each son had onethey now use them for drinking gloves.

    Stylish for any occasion.Wonderful gift.Hundreds of uses.Fits most adult hands. Are you really naked under those gloves? For Pete's sake, put on some Handerpants. These 95% cotton, 5% spandex, fingerless gloves have the look and feel of men's briefs. Slip them on underneath your gloves for extra warmth and protection from chafing. Wear them on their own as a vaguely inappropriate fashion statement. Hundreds of uses. Fits most adult hands.

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